Springfield 1873 Serial Numbers

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  1. U.S. Springfield Trapdoor Production Serial Numbers - Springfield.
  2. U.S. Military Dates of Manufacture - OldG.
  3. Springfield 1873 Serial Numbers - Weebly.
  4. Springfield 1873 Serial Numbers - herekfiles.
  5. DOC U - National Park Service.
  6. Looking for information about a springfield tra... | History Hub.
  7. Seeking information on Springfield Trapdoor Mod... | History Hub.
  8. 1873 Springfield Trapdoor Carbine Serial Numbers - truebfile.
  9. A Custer Range Us Springfield Model 1873 Trapdoor Carbine.
  10. Springfield Armory Model 1873 quot;Trapdoorquot; Rifle | Smithsonian.
  11. Rare amp; Historic Custer Range Springfield Trapdoor Carbine.
  12. 1873 springfield.
  13. 1873 Springfield Trapdoor Rifle Serial Numbers - streamingpro.
  14. 1873 trapdoor carbine what are these numbers on the side of the lock plate.

U.S. Springfield Trapdoor Production Serial Numbers - Springfield.

According to the Springfield Research Service Serial Numbers Volume 2, 2nd Edition a large number of these 1884 trapdoor rifles, in serial numbers near yours, were given to the US Navy in 1943, however the closed serial number I found was 480883 which was transferred to the Springfield Armory Museum in 1909. Lisa Sharik. U.S. Military Trapdoor- U.S. Rifle Models 1873 to 1888: Covering numbers: 1 - 567834. Please enter a serial number and click the submit button.

U.S. Military Dates of Manufacture - OldG.

. Financial Martial Law Ron Paul. Fl Studio 12.4 1. Model 1873 Springfield First Type Officer#x27;s Sporting Rifle, 45-70 Caliber Serial Number 45 Total quantity 477 One of small group bearing 1881 inspectors#x27; mark A superior early production example; subsequently became the US Model 1875. The Springfield Trapdoor rifles and carbines were a series.

Springfield 1873 Serial Numbers - Weebly.

Antique U.S. Model 1873 Springfield First Type Officer#39;s Sporting Rifle, 45-70 Caliber, Serial Number 45 Total quantity 477, One of small group bearing 1881 inspectors#39; mark, A superior early production example; subsequently became the US Model 1875, Very fine plus, F729. Springfield model 1884 trapdoor carbine in.45 70 caliber, serial number.... U.S. Springfield Armory Model 1879 Trapdoor Saddle Ring Carbine... of a U.S. Springfield Model 1879 Carbine with star-suffix serial number.. SPRINGFIELD TRAPDOOR RIFLES AND CARBINES.... HEAVY BARREL CALVARY RIFLES. SERIAL NUMBERS THE FIRST OF EACH YEAR. 1873. 4.

Springfield 1873 Serial Numbers - herekfiles.

Model 1873 Springfield Carbine Serial Number 32385..45 / 55 / 405. This carbine was made in the fourth quarter of 1874. It may not be in original as built condition and is explained below. The receiver is the early narrow version and was used up until about serial number 77,000 to 78,000. The reference marks on the receiver and barrel are in. Springfield Armory Model 1873 Carbine Serial Number 20775.45 / 55 Description: Springfield Armory Model 1873 Carbine Serial Number 20775.45 / 55 This carbine was made between April and June of 1874. It is in original configuration with all the correct features. It does not have later upgrades and modifications.

Springfield 1873 Serial Numbers

DOC U - National Park Service.

The Springfield Model 1873 was the Armys standard issue rifle during the Indian Wars of the 1870s and 1880s. The rifle also saw service in the Spanish-American War and the Philippine Insurrection. Today, it is a favorite weapon of gun collectors. The origins of the M1873 Springfield date back to the waning days of the Civil War. Additionally, the carbine is accompanied by the following: A original copy of the 1970#39;s magazine quot;Guns of the Worldquot; that published the article entitled quot;The Story of Two Gunsquot;. One of the weapons mentioned in that article was a Model 1873 Springfield.45-70 carbine found near the Little Big Horn battlefield in 1904 with serial number 41743.

Looking for information about a springfield tra... | History Hub.

Similar to the carbines carried by General Custer#39;s troopers, this carbine is a single shot arm. Although there is no official designation for the Model 1879, certain features, such as a slightly different breech from those used on earlier models, a notably thicker and wider receiver, as well as its serial number, identify this carbine as one produced between 1879 and 1885.

Seeking information on Springfield Trapdoor Mod... | History Hub.

The Model 1873 is the most popular with collectors. AmmunitionThe town of Springfield, Massachusetts, located on the banks of 45-70 trapdoors have their serial number. Rather, it is likely your rifle is a Springfield Trap Door Rifle of the 1873 model vintage, with a particularly deep date stamp which makes the 3 appear to be an 8.

1873 Springfield Trapdoor Carbine Serial Numbers - truebfile.


A Custer Range Us Springfield Model 1873 Trapdoor Carbine.

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Springfield Armory Model 1873 quot;Trapdoorquot; Rifle | Smithsonian.

Jun 06, 2018 Registered. Joined Jun 6, 2018. 4 Posts. Discussion Starter #1 Jun 6, 2018 Edited by Moderator Just picked up a 1873 cadet trapdoor. The serial number is P169. Just wondering if anybody knows anything about this model. I know It has a shorter barrel then the original but is there anything unique about the 3 digit serial number with a p.

Rare amp; Historic Custer Range Springfield Trapdoor Carbine.

This Springfield Model 1873 Carbine is serial numbered quot;41055quot; which makes it made in 1875 and falls into the under approximately 50,000 serial number range, which is the quot;Custer Rangequot;. It is also 655 guns from known Custer gun serial numbered quot;41743quot;. While this gun falls into the range we have no sure way of knowing if it was at Custer#x27;s. The lockplate on the Model 1873 series rifles and carbines was marked with the model year 1873 under the quot;SPRINGFIELDquot; marking, and no year of production was applied to the rear of the plate as in earlier government production arms. The model year was later deleted and no year was marked. Nothing was marked on the rear of the plate where the.

1873 springfield.


1873 Springfield Trapdoor Rifle Serial Numbers - streamingpro.

The book also contains the largest-known accumulation nearly 50 years in the making of early Model 1873 Carbine serial numbers from the quot;Custer Periodquot;, over 1,250 at time of publication.... This is a very good book that provides history and technical information on rare versions of rifles built at the Springfield Armory between 1873 and. I have a springfield 1873 witn serial number #13551. what can you tell me about it? thanks, david. History, value, - Answered by a verified Firearms Expert... Springfield 1873 45-70 rifle Serial # Single piece ramrod and Bayonet w/sheath looking for history.My gunsmith says between 1200.00 and 1600.00.

1873 trapdoor carbine what are these numbers on the side of the lock plate.

1873 Trapdoor S Serial Numbered 41737. This carbine, serial numbered 41737, is only six numbers off the documented battlefield carbine, which was 41743. Additionally, the carbine is accompanied by the following: A original copy of the 1970s magazine Guns of the World that published the article entitled The Story of Two Guns.

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